IoT is exposing networks to cybersecurity vulnerabilities

IoT and its exposed vulnerabilities

Businesses can reap impressive benefits from the Internet of Things (IoT).  But more IoT devices and a more complex IoT ecosystem also mean increased security vulnerabilities from edge to cloud. Sadly, many companies still put off adopting an IoT cybersecurity strategy and don't realize IoT security risks until it’s too late.

Developing a thorough understanding of IoT cybersecurity issues and executing a strategy to mitigate the related risks will help protect your business and build confidence in the transformation of networks.

Here are just six significant IoT security challenges

  • Weak password protection
  • Lack of regular patches and updates and weak update mechanism
  • Insecure interfaces
  • Insufficient data protection 
  • Poor IoT device management
  • The IoT skills gap

While the office computers may be as secure as Fort Knox, IoT devices such as the copier, scanner, digital signage, parking lot security camera, or connected thermostat could be at risk, and hackers know this.

No people; plenty of IoT

The pandemic emptied offices, but IoT activity was still humming away despite the absence of personnel. Three-quarters of the IoT usage during this time, according to Zscaler’s research, was unencrypted. There is plenty of blame to go around for IoT vulnerability, cybersecurity experts say, from stretched-thin IT departments to low-security standards in the manufacturing process.

Hackers are watching the cameras

Security cameras have been especially vulnerable IoT devices. What’s most dangerous about these devices is that even if hackers can’t move laterally inside a network, the camera itself can provide plenty of proprietary information and images to hackers. For example, footage from the cameras can be used for extortion, leaked images from inside manufacturing facilities can threaten proprietary patents, and cameras from medical facilities can compromise patient data.

One way to mitigate threats is simply to not have them connected all day if they don’t need to be.


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